Islets – Build 8/3/2022

#2920 Islets Build 8/3/2022

Genres/Tags: Arcade, Jump and run, Side, 2D
Companies: Kyle Thompson, Armor Games Studios
Languages: RUS/ENG/MULTI7
Original Size: 442 MB
Repack Size: 229 MB

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Repack Features

  • Based on Islets-Razor1911 ISO release: rzr-islets.iso (463,568,896 bytes)
  • 100% Lossless & MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to originals after installation
  • NOTHING ripped, NOTHING re-encoded
  • Significantly smaller archive size (compressed from 442 to 229 MB)
  • Installation takes 20-30 seconds
  • After-install integrity check so you could make sure that everything installed properly
  • HDD space after installation: 527 MB
  • Language can be changed in game settings
  • At least 2 GB of free RAM (inc. virtual) required for installing this repack
Game Description
Iko is an aspiring yet hopeful warrior exploring the land and sky to reunite a series of floating islands. With his rickety airship, he must travel from island to island in order to reignite each one’s magnetic core while fighting off the many adversaries standing in his way.

Islets is a surprisingly wholesome metroidvania about making connections with the people around you. By reuniting the islands and befriending a cast of charming characters, the world expands and reveals new parts of each area for Iko to explore. Scour every nook and cranny in order to collect the many upgrades hidden around this world and face its numerous hidden challenges!

There’s also a tour guide to show you around, but you should be careful. The guy’s got some really weird vibes…

Game Features

  • Connect the islands like a puzzle to discover new ways to explore previous areas and reunite the vast world around you.
  • Fight back against terrifying monsters and ruthless sky pirates in epic boss battles.
  • Discover upgrades to help you on your journey by completing challenges and uncover the islands’ many secrets.
  • Make friends with a wide cast of charming characters—including a pretentious warrior classmate, a suspiciously friendly frog, and so many others.
  • Become immersed in a visually stunning hand-painted world with lush, vivid environments for you to experience.

Knights of the Chalice 2: Archmage Edition – v1.44 + Bonus Content

#2918 Knights of the Chalice 2: Archmage Edition v1.44 + Bonus Content

Genres/Tags: RPG, Fantasy, Turn-based, Isometric, 2D
Company: Heroic Fantasy Games Dot Com
Language: ENG
Original Size: 2.7 GB
Repack Size: 1.8/2 GB

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Repack Features

  • Based on Knights_of_the_Chalice_2_v1.44-Razor1911 ISO release: rzr-knightsotchalice2v144win.iso (2,916,876,288 bytes)
  • 100% Lossless & MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to originals after installation
  • NOTHING ripped, NOTHING re-encoded
  • Selective Download feature: you may skip downloading and installing of bonus content
  • Smaller archive size (compressed from 2.7 to 1.8/2 GB)
  • Installation takes 4-12 minutes (depending on your system)
  • After-install integrity check so you could make sure that everything installed properly
  • HDD space after installation: up to 3.2 GB
  • Repack uses XTool library by Razor12911
  • At least 2 GB of free RAM (inc. virtual) required for installing this repack
Game Description
Knights of the Chalice 2 is a 2D RPG with turn-based combat for Windows and macOS. The game uses the OGL 3.5, the set of rules at the root of Dungeons & Dragons 3.5, a role-playing game from Wizards of the Coast.

Create a party of up to six adventurers and explore the village of Finchbury and the dangerous sewer complex that lurks beneath the town. You will be able to recruit eight new companions during the course of the adventure.

The characters will soon find themselves caught up in deadly conflict with a powerful group of evil worshippers, the Circle of the Black Rose. Your epic struggle for survival and justice will culminate in the retaking of Gleegold Keep from the forces of evil.

Game Features

  • Turn-based, party-based tactical combat similar to that found in the RPG Dark Sun Shattered Lands made by SSI and in Troika’s Temple of Elemental Evil.
  • Advanced emergent Artificial Intelligence. Enemies act as a group and support each other. They can use special actions like Grapple, Trip, Disarm, Sunder, Feint, Bull Rush, Ready Versus Spell or Swallow Whole and other tactics like taking a Five-Foot step before casting Maximised Fireball. They might use a Wind spell to dissipate the player’s Acid Fog.
  • More than 700 Spells and Psionic Powers. The game also features 22 Classes, 10 Races, 36 Subraces, about 500 Feats, 41 Cleric Domains, 71 Weapon enchantments and 51 Armour and Shield enchantments. Please visit the developer’s website for more information.
  • Multiple-choice dialogue options offering real choices and real in-game consequences to the player. Use your party’s unique skills and consider your own preferences and playing style in order to resolve situations in the most suitable manner. Accept or decline various optional quests and join different factions with conflicting interests. Create the perfect combat-focused party, or have fun creating a party of eccentric misfits.
  • Enjoy a variety of engrossing puzzles and riddles. Use your intuition and logical thinking to decrypt mysterious coded messages. The game’s cryptography interface, inspired by Broken Sword Shadow of the Templars, makes decoding a captivating activity. Do not worry about the difficulty of puzzles and riddles, though, as the game frequently provides Hints designed to help you resolve this type of challenge.
  • Play through the extensive Tutorial Adventure to learn the ins and outs of the game’s interface easily. The tutorial is a unique adventure. It features multiple endings and offers a number of important choices. Create your main character and start exploring the ruins of the ancient citadel of King Valdrek. Your adventure will bring you new friends, but you may also get more than what you bargained for.
  • Experience brand new tactical challenges. Get ready for pitched battles with frequent enemy reinforcements. Some monsters will attack the party once it is divided into two subgroups. Your characters may have to fight underwater, brave the heat of a volcano, or endure the toxic fumes of a gigantic poison trap. Some particularly devious areas, called Death Snares, will tax the party’s fighting ability and survival skill to its extreme limit.
  • KotC 2 Augury of Chaos allows you to create your level-1 characters and take them all the way to level 21 or so. There is no limit on character level. You can create up to six characters from scratch. In addition, you may recruit eight permanent companions during the course of the adventure, increasing your total number of party members to eight or nine by the end of the game. Temporary companions and allies will also be assisting your party from time to time.
  • User-friendly interface. Launch a charge, full-attack or coup-de-grace with a single click – the computer will automatically look for the best option available. Out of combat, move the party with a single click or by keeping the mouse button pushed.
  • Omnipresent help files and clear in-game feedback on the results of each dice roll, saving throw, attack roll, modifiers and so on. A similar feature exists in Temple of Elemental Evil.
  • With the right materials and sufficient gold and experience points, craft your own weapons and armour and apply enchantments like Vorpal, Life Stealing, Wounding, Swift, Dispelling or Flaming Burst. The list of enchantments can be found in the developer’s website.
  • Use the powerful integrated toolset to create new modules and campaigns easily. Easily swap monster tokens and sprites or create new ones. Create new monsters, new dialogues and new maps easily. The best modules may also generate an income stream for you thanks to the 5-5-5 User Module Offer.
  • Enjoy fast Saved-Game loading and saving and numerous game options designed to accelerate gameplay. Enjoy various convenience features, such as the Saved-Game preview image display, automatic potion and scroll distribution to the party members, Tab key press to highlight objects that may be interacted with, Inventory Screen weapon-comparison tooltip, and the highlighting of spell scrolls that may be learned by a character.
  • Thanks to its successful Kickstarter campaign, KotC 2 will receive many further improvements in the future, including new creature sprites, new feats, new items, a new iconised combat-actions menu, and more. New adventure modules will also be created.
  • Enjoy collecting 100 Steam achievements designed to challenge the best tacticians. Easily increase the difficulty level to create a drastically different experience where each and every one of your decisions both in combat and out of combat could mean the difference between life and death. Or simply download an extensive user module, such as Dorateen’s Hearkenwold, for an awesome change of pace. Get ready for hundreds of hours of immersive and delightful playtime!

Archmage Edition:

  • Augury of Chaos PDF Guidebook: This richly-illustrated 410-page guidebook covers the following topics: difficulty options, general advice, weapon styles, weapon enchantments, character-creation advice, skills, how to build each class, important spells, spell tactics, building a party, recruitable companions, complete walkthrough, puzzles, power rankings.
  • Module Editor PDF Guidebook: This essential 67-page guidebook provides detailed instructions and advice about the KotC 2 Module Editor. Read this easy-to-use guidebook to learn how to create your own adventure modules and edit existing modules. It’s the ultimate reference that will grant you all the keys needed to unlock your creativity!
  • Soundtracks: The Archmage Pack includes 54 MP3 soundtracks and two WAV soundtracks. The set of MP3 soundtracks includes 28 soundtracks from KotC 2, 17 soundtracks from KotC 1, and nine soundtracks from Battle of the Sands. Finally, you can listen to your favourite KotC music easily on your device of choice.
  • Extra PNG artwork: The Archmage Pack also features four splash screens (including one in very large size), 17 early illustrations of character classes, and 100 large-size Steam achievement icons.

Dinosaur Fossil Hunter – v2.0.21

#2706 Updated Dinosaur Fossil Hunter v2.0.21

Genres/Tags: Lifestyle, Driving, Dinosaurs, Cars, First-person, 3D
Companies: Pyramid Games, PlayWay S.A.
Languages: RUS/ENG/MULTI14
Original Size: 15.6 GB
Repack Size: 6.3 GB

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Repack Features

  • Based on Dinosaur_Fossil_Hunter_v2.0-FLT ISO release: flt-dinosaur_fossil_hunter_v2.0.iso (16,708,202,496 bytes)
  • Game version: v2.0.21
  • 100% Lossless & MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to originals after installation
  • NOTHING ripped, NOTHING re-encoded
  • Significantly smaller archive size (compressed from 15.6 to 6.3 GB)
  • Installation takes 7-20 minutes (depending on your system)
  • After-install integrity check so you could make sure that everything installed properly
  • HDD space after installation: 22 GB (25.2 GB during installation)
  • Language can be changed in game settings
  • At least 2 GB of free RAM (inc. virtual) required for installing this repack
Game Description

Dinosaur Fossil Hunter is a storytelling simulator where you live a real paleontologist’s life. Explore different lands, search, uncover and study uncovered fossils, and prepare the skeletons to build your own museum. You will learn many interesting facts about these extinct creatures that walked the Earth millions of years ago.

Hit the road to search for fossils of extinct species that once ruled the Earth. Enjoy diverse landscapes across the United States, where you’ll force your way through mud, water, and various environmental hazards. Destroy rocks, drain bodies of water, and search for your prize in a vast terrain.

Collecting fossils is not that easy, especially if you have to dig by yourself. Use your georadar to search for clues and discover the remains of extinct species, adding to your insight of the Earth’s distant past. If you think all you have to do is find the right area, you’re wrong. It’s just the beginning! Use multiple tools, such as a chainsaw, shovel, or pickaxe, to achieve your goal. But, be careful! These bones can be very fragile.

Precious fossils are very delicate, so you need to carefully clean the bones to ensure that nothing gets damaged before assembling a complete prehistoric skeleton. Manage your know-how using the portable in-game tablet and become a world-renowned paleontologist.

After your dinosaur skeletons are complete, it’s time to customize your museum. Arrange the interior, grow plants, and decorate the building with various displays. Design your own prehistoric diorama. Choose all the elements for the set, from small plants to rocks and even types of soil. Arrange dinosaurs to create thrilling, dynamic settings and give them life to stoke the imagination of your visitors. Become a truly brilliant curator of your own private museum!

Game Features

  • Drive off-road vehicles in locations inspired by U.S. landscapes
  • Use various exploration and excavation tools to search through deformable terrain
  • Prepare fossils to showcase in your own museum
  • Learn about numerous dinosaur species while studying their detailed skeletons
  • Follow an intriguing storyline

Backwards Compatibility

This repack IS NOT backwards compatible with my previous DFH repack.

United Assault: Battle of the Bulge

#2916 United Assault: Battle of the Bulge

Genres/Tags: Action, Shooter, Open world, World War II, First-person, 3D
Companies: Polygon Art, Enigma Entertainment
Language: ENG
Original Size: 4.6 GB
Repack Size: 3.1 GB

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Repack Features

  • Based on Steam release BuildID 9322516: 4.6 GB, thanks to Haoose for files!
  • Goldberg+SSE crack/emu applied over, thanks to Claycucumber!
  • 100% Lossless & MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to originals after installation
  • NOTHING ripped, NOTHING re-encoded
  • Significantly smaller archive size (compressed from 4.6 to 3.1 GB)
  • Installation takes from 3 minutes (on 24-threads CPU) up to 16 minutes (on 4-threads CPU)
  • After-install integrity check so you could make sure that everything installed properly
  • HDD space after installation: 4.6 GB
  • Repack uses compression libraries by Razor12911
  • At least 2 GB of free RAM (inc. virtual) required for installing this repack
Game Description
United Assault – Normandy ’44 is an open world rogue lite FPS set in 1944’s depiction of Normandy.

You are a US army paratrooper dropped into enemy territory to prepare the D-Day. Your mission objectives vary form destroying Panzer IV tanks, Flak 88 cannons to obtaining secret documents or even liberate an entire town. After completing your objectives, exfiltrate and claim your rewards.

Higher ranks will unlock new weapons and allow you to customize your start loadout.

Game Features

  • 15 towns and settlements based on their real world location
  • Dynamic mission generator
  • Over 15 authentic weapons
  • Detailed progression system
  • Uncover a mysterious secret protected by highly trained german troops
  • Nvidia DLSS 2.0 support

Jupiter Hell – v1.5a (Ancient)

#2032 Updated Jupiter Hell v1.5a (Ancient)

Genres/Tags: RPG, Top-down, Roguelike, Turn-based, 3D
Companies: ChaosForge, Hyperstrange
Language: ENG/MULTi3
Original Size: 1.9 GB
Repack Size: 1.1 GB

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Repack Features

  • Based on Jupiter_Hell_Ancient-Razor1911 ISO release: rzr-jupiterhell15awin.iso (2,044,624,896 bytes)
  • Game version: v1.5a (Ancient)
  • 100% Lossless & MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to originals after installation
  • NOTHING ripped, NOTHING re-encoded
  • Significantly smaller archive size (compressed from 1.9 to 1.1 GB)
  • Installation takes 1-2 minutes
  • After-install integrity check so you could make sure that everything installed properly
  • HDD space after installation: 1.9 GB
  • At least 2 GB of free RAM (inc. virtual) required for installing this repack
Game Description
Jupiter Hell is a classic, turn-based roguelike set in a 90s flavored sci-fi universe. Set on the moons of Jupiter, the game pits a lone space marine against overwhelming demonic forces. Rip and tear zombies, demons and unmentionable monstrosities, using classic weaponry such as shotguns, chainguns, railguns and the trusty chainsaw. All to the shine of CRT monitors and the tune of heavy metal!

Tactical, turn-based combat with real-time responsiveness
Benefit from classic roguelike turns with modern shooter sensibilities. Controls are immediate and accessible while retaining the back-end depth of a turn-based RPG.

Meaningful RPG progression
Customize your character with new weapons, items and abilities gained as you progress through a permadeath-prone hell. Beat the game to unlock more difficult challenges rather than grinding to make the game easier.

Randomized levels set all over Jupiter’s orbit
Blast through procedurally-generated civilian sectors, military space bases and mining colonies on the violent moons of Jupiter. Every playthrough you’ll find new ways to experience familiar settings.

Original shooter roguelike lineage
Jupiter Hell is built by ChaosForge, the team that’s been making top-down, cosmic hell roguelikes since 2002.

Backwards Compatibility

This repack IS NOT backwards compatible with my previous JH repack.

Panzer Knights – v1.1.6.1 + 2 DLCs

#1878 Updated Panzer Knights v1.1.6.1 + 2 DLCs

Genres/Tags: Action, Shooter, Third-person, World War II, 3D
Companies: Indulgence Game, Joy Brick
Languages: RUS/ENG/MULTI8
Original Size: 3.1 GB
Repack Size: 1.2 GB

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Repack Features

  • Based on Panzer_Knights_Elefant_and_Maus-Razor1911 ISO release: rzr-panzerknights1161.iso (3,302,457,344 bytes)
  • Game version: v1.1.6.1; 2 DLCs (Elefant & Maus + M4-748 (a)) are included and activated
  • 100% Lossless & MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to originals after installation
  • NOTHING ripped, NOTHING re-encoded
  • Significantly smaller archive size (compressed from 3.1 to 1.2 GB)
  • Installation takes 3-10 minutes (depending on your system)
  • After-install integrity check so you could make sure that everything installed properly
  • HDD space after installation: 3.2 GB (up to 9 GB during installation)
  • Language can be changed in game settings
  • Repack uses XTool library by Razor12911
  • At least 2 GB of free RAM (inc. virtual) required for installing this repack
Game Description
Panzer Knights is an action game about tanks.

Players will play as German faction, control tanks to cross from Western to Eastern Europe, from Battle of France to Eastern Front. Fully experiences the epic and powerful Tank battles through the detailed tanks.

There are many types of mission objects in the vast battlefield. Breaking through the lines of defense, defending the important positions, or defeating the enemies that keep coming.

In games, you can call the bombs or air supply, fix your tank when it’s damaged, and switch the formation quickly according to the situation of the battlefield. Players must use every method to conquer the missions.

Game Features

  • Over 20 tanks can be controlled
  • Over 40 vehicles and artillery will appear in the game
  • Detailed tank model
  • 30 crews with various abilities
  • The crews will have voice of bubble talk during the battle
  • Damaged in different parts will cause different influences
  • 11 main levels with storylines
  • Vast battlefield and destructible environments

Backwards Compatibility

This repack IS NOT backwards compatible with my previous PK repack.

Little League World Series Baseball 2022

#2914 Little League World Series Baseball 2022

Genres/Tags: Arcade, Sports, 3D
Companies: IguanaBee, GameMill Entertainment
Language: ENG
Original Size: 3.6 GB
Repack Size: 1.9/2 GB

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Repack Features

  • Based on Steam release BuildID 9196686: 3.6 GB, thanks to Haoose for files!
  • Goldberg+SSE crack/emu applied over, thanks to Clogcleaner!
  • 100% Lossless & MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to originals after installation
  • NOTHING ripped, NOTHING re-encoded
  • Selective Download feature: you can skip downloading and installing of useless PDB file
  • Significantly smaller archive size (compressed from 3.6 to 1.9/2 GB)
  • Installation takes from 4 minutes (on 24-threads CPU) up to 20 minutes (on 4-threads CPU)
  • After-install integrity check so you could make sure that everything installed properly
  • HDD space after installation: up to 3.6 GB
  • Repack uses compression library by Razor12911
  • At least 2 GB of free RAM (inc. virtual) required for installing this repack
Game Description
Little League World Series Baseball 2022 allows you to Pitch, Slide, Slam, and Rally your way to Williamsport-glory as you compete to become the World Series CHAMPION of Little League!

Get in the game and become a Little League Baseball World Series CHAMP! Choose your team and showcase your skills as you compete through the bracket to see if you have what it takes to be named the Little League Baseball World Series Champion. Or, jump right into the action in an instant with Quick Play mode. Play with your friends for exciting local multiplayer tournament action for up to four players. Customize the rules, select your stadiums and teams, and see who wins it all!

Little League World Series Baseball 2022 gives you the ability to choose your style! Customize your team’s look, equipment, and batting style! Use Super Abilities like Slow Time and Bat Tank to turn the tide of the game to your favor. You can also earn player-boosting stickers that allow you to build the most powerful team!

Join the fun of Little League Baseball with Intense interactive plays that put you in command of executing incredible slides, catches, hits, and more to give your team the edge and bring home the win!

A Tale of Paper: Refolded – Digital Deluxe Edition + Bonus OST

#2913 A Tale of Paper: Refolded – Digital Deluxe Edition + Bonus OST

Genres/Tags: Arcade, Platform adventure, Side, 3D
Companies: Open House Games, Digerati
Languages: RUS/ENG/MULTI7
Original Size: 4.5 GB
Repack Size: 2.2/2.3 GB

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Repack Features

  • Based on A.Tale.of.Paper.Refolded-FCKDRM ISO release: fckdrm-a.tale.of.paper.refolded.iso (4,817,494,016 bytes)
  • 100% Lossless & MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to originals after installation
  • NOTHING ripped, NOTHING re-encoded
  • Selective Download feature: you may skip downloading and installing of bonus soundtrack
  • Significantly smaller archive size (compressed from 4.5 to 2.2/2.3 GB)
  • Installation takes 2-3 minutes (depending on your system)
  • After-install integrity check so you could make sure that everything installed properly
  • HDD space after installation: up to 4 GB
  • Language can be changed in game settings
  • Repack uses XTool library by Razor12911
  • At least 2 GB of free RAM (inc. virtual) required for installing this repack
Game Description
A Tale of Paper: Refolded is a puzzle-platformer that tells the story of Line, a magical character made of paper who can use origami to change its shape. Transform into a frog, a rocket, a bird and more as Line embarks on an emotional journey to fulfill the dream of its creator.

Can a dream transcend its owner? Follow the beautiful tale of Line, an endearing character formed from paper, in an atmospheric adventure where challenges and danger are waiting every step of the way.

Experience the story of Line and then embark on three prequel chapters, featuring a different paper protagonist with its own origami shapeshifting abilities and tale to tell.

Game Features

  • Paper shape transformations: Jump high as an origami frog! Turn into a paper plane and soar! Discover seven forms, each with its own pros and cons
  • A small hero in a big world: Overcome challenges, solve puzzles, and escape danger as you journey across beautifully crafted environments
  • A narrative without text: Explore each level and find hidden collectibles to unveil the heartfelt story behind A Tale of Paper
  • Discover bonus chapters: Complete the main adventure and unlock three prequel chapters, with a new character, new abilities, and new challenges

DOOM I + II: Enhanced + 16 Add-ons + Classic DOOMs

#2912 DOOM I + II: Enhanced + 16 Add-ons + Classic DOOMs

Genres/Tags: Action, Shooter, Horror, First-person, 3D
Companies: id Software, Bethesda Softworks LLC
Languages: ENG/MULTI5
Original Size: 1.5 GB
Repack Size: 390 MB

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Repack Features

  • Based on GOG releases v58062: 316 MB + 315 MB
  • 16 official add-ons (779 MB) for both games added, thanks to Coolclover!
  • Classic DOS games (Ultimate DOOM, Final DOOM, DOOM II + Master Levels, 95 MB) with configured DOSBOX added, thanks to Crackbringer!
  • Custom launcher for all games added
  • 100% Lossless & MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to originals after installation
  • NOTHING ripped, NOTHING re-encoded
  • Significantly smaller archive size (compressed from cumulative 1.5 GB to 390 MB)
  • Installation takes 1-2 minutes
  • After-install integrity check so you could make sure that everything installed properly
  • HDD space after installation: 1 GB + 779 MB on a system drive (usually C:)
  • Language of Enhanced Editions can be changed by editing “D1.bat” and “D2.bat” files
  • Repack uses XTool library by Razor12911
  • At least 2 GB of free RAM (inc. virtual) required for installing this repack
Game Description
Developed by id Software, and originally released in 1993 (DOOM I) & 1994 (DOOM II), DOOM series pioneered and popularized the first-person shooter, setting a standard for all FPS games. An enhanced version was released on PC, consoles, and mobile devices in 2019. Now, you can get the original and enhanced versions of the base game and the additional content in one place.

DOOM (1993):
The demons came and the marines died…except one. You are the last defense against Hell. Prepare for the most intense battle you’ve ever faced. Experience the complete, original version of the game released in 1993, now with all official content and Episode IV: Thy Flesh Consumed.

Hell has invaded Earth, and to save it, you must battle mightier demons with even more powerful weapons. This beloved sequel to the groundbreaking DOOM (1993) introduced players to the brutal Super Shotgun, the infamous Icon of Sin boss, and more intense FPS action.

Included Content

  • DOOM I Enhanced
  • DOOM II Enhanced
  • 16 Add-ons for Enhanced versions from
  • Ultimate DOOM – DOSBox emulated
  • Final DOOM – DOSBox emulated
  • DOOM II + Master Levels – DOSBox emulated

Enhanced version features

  • Upgraded visuals
  • Improved mouse and keyboard controls
  • Gamepad/controller support
  • Widescreen resolution support
  • Native 60 FPS support
  • Episode IV: Thy Flesh Consumed (DOOM I)
  • All twenty Master Levels (DOOM II)
  • Local split-screen co-op and PvP

Forsaken Portals- v1.3.1

#2911 Forsaken Portals v1.3.1

Genres/Tags: Strategy, Turn-based, Top-down, 3D
Companies: Pottgames
Languages: RUS/ENG/MULTI4
Original Size: 1.3 GB
Repack Size: 903 MB

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Repack Features

  • Based on Forsaken.Portals-DARKSiDERS ISO release: ds-forsakenportals.iso (1,429,809,152 bytes)
  • 100% Lossless & MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to originals after installation
  • NOTHING ripped, NOTHING re-encoded
  • Significantly smaller archive size (compressed from 1.3 GB to 903 MB)
  • Installation takes from 4 minutes (on 24-threads CPU) up to 20 minutes (on 4-threads CPU)
  • After-install integrity check so you could make sure that everything installed properly
  • HDD space after installation: 1.8 GB (4.5 GB during installation)
  • Language can be changed in game settings
  • Repack uses XTool library by Razor12911
  • At least 2 GB of free RAM (inc. virtual) required for installing this repack
Game Description

Forsaken Portals is a top down space simulation game with accompanying story. It takes place in an open world – mankind has gained the know how to travel to other star systems of the Milky Way, discovered foreign races and cultures and wants to spread out and establish a human civilization in other star systems. The very big fame beckons for ship captains in the interstellar tournament, which mankind wants to win at any price.

Game Features

  • EXPLORE: Explore huge hand designed worlds in space, each of which has its own story to tell. Alien races, factories, resources, space stations, every world is different and exciting.
  • TRADE: No one can survive alone in space. Trade with alien races to ensure your survival and build a trading empire. For traders there are also special ship modules that display helpful information about trade routes on the galaxy map.
  • FIGHT: Not all inhabitants in space are friendly. Sometimes it is necessary to defend oneself or to assert one’s interests militarily. Experience turn-based battles that offer plenty of room for strategic and wise action.
  • ARM YOURSELF: Your ship is not fully responsible for your strength in a fight. To arm yourself most effectively, you need to find new weapon blueprints, build them and create a deck. The more you know about your opponent before the fight, the better you can pick your weapons.
  • IMPROVE: In Forsaken Portals there are 5 ship classes, from small to large; you start out with a Corvette and as the game progresses you can improve and buy new ships. (Frigate, Destroyer, Cruiser & Battleship)
  • MODULES: Install modules in your ship to gain special abilities. Some modules help to locate resources, others show the trade goods of remote stations or help to get information about the armament of enemy ships.
  • BUILD YOUR OWN STATION: An own space station offers the possibility to craft items, to maintain and improve the ship, to cultivate organic materials and serves as a base for exploring places that could not be reached otherwise.
  • CRAFT: Items, weapons, upgrades for ships and space stations, all this can be produced if you have access to the necessary materials.
  • REACTIVATE THE PORTALS: Many years ago, an unknown species installed portals to travel through the galaxy. Unfortunately, they do not work anymore. Are you the one who can reactivate them and pave the way for the different races to travel again?